Next Steps

NExt Steps

Your decision to join us for worship is significant, and we are genuinely delighted to have you with us. Your presence is a valuable addition to FBC Tullahoma, and we look forward to journeying with you in faith.

We hope you found our service welcoming and inspiring. We would love to connect with you to learn more about our church and get involved.

Make Disciples

At FBC Tullahoma, our mission is to make disciples who make disciples from here to the ends of the earth. We believe that Jesus gave us the Great Commission to make disciples who make disciples actively. Your spiritual growth and development are not just significant; they are our priority. We are committed to equipping you to share your faith with others.

If you want to learn more about FBC Tullahoma, we invite you to join our First Steps class. This class will introduce you to our history, beliefs, and how we follow the Great Commission here and worldwide.

Get Involved

There are numerous ways you can become more involved here at FBC Tullahoma. We encourage you to explore these opportunities and find the ones that resonate with you. Your unique talents and interests can find a meaningful place in our community.

  • Attend a regular worship service: Join us every Sunday at 10:15 am for a meaningful and uplifting experience.
  • Join a Sunday School group: Connect with others who share your faith and learn more about the Bible. We have classes for all ages, and they meet on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
  • Volunteer: Use your talents and time to serve our church community. Many opportunities are available, from helping with children’s, youth, worship, and men’s and women’s ministries.
  • Join a Ministry Team: We have ministries for all age groups.  There are numerous ways to live together, from nursery to senior adults.