Student Ministry

Mission and Purpose

Here at First Baptist Church, we exist to make disciples who make disciples from here to the ends of the earth. The goal of our Student Ministry is to glorify God by making disciples, mentoring disciples, and mobilizing disciples. To summarize our vision, we have developed a name for our student ministry, which is “Kerusso”-a mission that inspires and motivates us to proclaim the gospel.

Wednesday Nights

On Wednesday nights, we aim to be a sending church. Wednesday nights are for gathering, fellowshipping, resting, equipping, and praying for the ultimate purpose of being sent back out for the sake of the gospel. Because of this objective, we call Wednesday night gatherings “Basecamp”.

Sunday mornings

On Sunday mornings, we meet in our Sunday School classes (middle school girls, high school girls, middle school boys, high school boys). We follow a curriculum that is common among our church. On the first Sunday of every month, Zach teaches the group as a whole in the MC 300. Following Sunday School each Sunday, we will gather for worship with the rest of our church family in the Worship Center.


Our name, Kerusso, is the Greek word for “proclaim” or “preach”. That is our mission here. We exist to preach the gospel among the nations. Our “theme” verse for the student ministry is Romans 10:14, “How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher (κῆρυξ)?” We aim to develop and send out disciples for κηρύσσοντος (preaching) the gospel.

Stay updated

We invite you to see the QR codes on our slides before worship on Sunday mornings, or to reach out to Zach Stevens if you would like to join our private “Kerusso Parent Facebook Group”. This group is a wonderful opportunity for parents to stay connected and involved in their children’s spiritual growth.